Tools and Resources

Everything Somatic

Check out this podcast episode where I was featured on A Positive Podcast by Life Coach Raizel Shusterman, about the incredible value of somatic healing. 


I am so thrilled to have been invited to share the wisdom and tools of my training in somatic healing on another coach's podcast. Life Coach Raizel Shusterman interviewed me to discuss somatic healing and self regulation. Unlike standard mental health therapy that focuses primarily on the mind, somatic therapy incorporates body-oriented modalities to support clients through their healing journeys. On this podcast episode, I share the benefits of somatic experience. In addition I model a five-minute exercise to give a taste of some of the practical tools of this method. I hope the episode will leave you intrigued and interested to find out more about the somatic healing experience.

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The same episode is also available through Apple Podcasts.

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I am honored to have been featured on Devora Krasnianski's podcast, Jewish Women Talk About Midlife. In this episode, I discuss practical tools on how to deal with stress and anxiety. You can catch the full episode here.

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Tools for Self-Care

Enjoy these FREE journaling tools that my clients and I find extremely useful and transformative.

10/10 Exercise

This soulful ritual can attract the things you want. I do it every day and see incredible results. Try it for yourself and see what I mean.

Yes Please!

Be, Do & Have

This journal exercise is a fun way to think about what we want to focus more on. Clients tell me they have seen amazing results.

Yes Please!


I love to lead and participate in retreats! Being out in nature fills us up like nothing else.

I invite you to connect with me to book your very own magical retreat!

Newlywed Advice: Part I

In the middle of the Covid-19 lockdown, Pinney and I shared some insights for couples entering a new relationship that are relevant at any time, pandemic or no pandemic.

In this first clip we describe the three stages of marriage and introduce the concept of conflict management:

Invest Your Time: Part II

Make time for each other—talk, laugh, and have fun together!

Create a Vision: Part III

Find out what a Relationship Roadmap is and how to make one.

From Conflict to Connection: Class I

For a taste of what we do: Pinney and I gave this presentation several years ago for Adai Ad, an organization that empowers couples to nurture and improve their relationships.

Co-Creating the Vision: Class II

In this talk, Pinney and I explain the importance of commitment and why both partners should invest in creating a vision for the relationship. It is essential to building the marriage you desire. When you have a vision of what you want for your marriage and family, you can proactively work toward that.
We explain how the traditional model has changed over the years and why relationships are undergoing a shift in order to fit with the ideals of a free society.

Gifting Your Relationship with Change: III

Pinney and I talk about how we can create change. We discuss key dialogue points and other important communication tools. This one's my favorite because you can see us talking, not just hear us.

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